Do Crystals Have a Consciousness
Quartz Point
What is a Crystal?
Crystals have captured the imagination of mankind for centuries. Defined as solid materials in which atoms are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, crystals have unique properties that set them apart from other materials.
One of the defining characteristics of crystals is their geometric shape, which results from the specific arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice. This is what gives crystals their distinct symmetry as well as their various optical and physical properties.
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, crystals have a long association with spiritual and healing uses as well as rituals in many ancient cultures. From amethyst for calming energy to quartz for clarity and focus, different types of crystals are believed to possess different energies that could influence well-being, provide protection and healing as well as endorse and empower those in positions of privilege and power.
Their beauty, diversity, and purported metaphysical qualities make them a fascinating subject to research.
How Do Crystals Grow?
Crystallization is the process which forms crystals. Unlike living organisms, crystals do not possess cells or biological functions. Instead, they grow, through the arrangement of atoms or molecules in a highly ordered and repeating pattern.
The growth of crystals starts with the nucleation process, where individual atoms or molecules come together to form a nucleus. This nucleus then serves as a template for further growth, with additional atoms or molecules attaching themselves to the existing structure in a specific arrangement.
As more atoms or molecules join the crystal lattice, the crystal grows in size and complexity. Crystal growth can be influenced by many factors such as temperature, pressure as well as chemical composition of the surrounding environment.
While crystals may not exhibit characteristics of living organisms such as metabolism or reproduction, their growth process is governed by physical laws and principles that result in their unique shapes and structures.
Grow Your Own Crystals
To start growing a crystal, you will need to create a saturated solution. This is done by dissolving a solute (common solutes can be Table Salt, Sugar, Copper Sulphate or Epsom Salts) in hot water until no more can be dissolved. When the solution cools and the water evaporate, crystals will begin to form as the excess material solidifies. In the case of Copper Sulphate vibrant blue crystals form. Table Salt, Sugar and Epsom Salts usually form white/opaque coloured crystals but you can take it a step further by adding food colouring to the original solution which will give the crystals a colour!
The key to successful crystal growth lies in controlling factors such as temperature, concentration, and rate of cooling. By manipulating these variables, you can influence the size and shape of your crystals.
Whilst some patience is needed when growing crystals in this way, as it can take several days or even weeks for them to fully form, it should be acknowledged that nature is more patient than us humans and natural crystals take thousands if not millions of years to come into being!
Whether you are interested in creating decorative crystals or conducting scientific experiments, growing crystals at home is a fun, educational experience that anyone, especially children, can enjoy.
Crystals, Science & Consciousness
Whilst science generally assumes that there is no evidence that a crystal is alive, many people are beginning to think the opposite and are open to the possibility that everything in our universe is alive. Geologists such as Arnold Rheshar and Pierre Escollet believe stones showcase vital activity that is simply much slower than other organisms on earth.
Science generally follows a very rigorous framework and can, therefore, only answer what is contained within the parameters it fully understands. Most of the world and inter-connection of our universe remains outside the realm of science. For example, although we know what magnetism is, we cannot fully explain it? Similarly, we know what crystals are, but we cannot fully explain them either.
Nikola Tesla, the famous Inventor, and electrical engineer believed in the potential of the properties contained within crystals. He explored the use of crystals in experiments with energy transmission and resonance. Tesla is known to have investigated the electrical charge, generated from some crystals called Piezoelectricity which results from mechanical stress being directed at them. He discovered that crystals could harness and amplify energy.
Tesla said “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.”
So do crystals have some kind of life force energy? As we have seen, crystals are not alive in the same way other organisms are, however, they share very interesting properties with life forms and life principles. Einstein’s famous equation (E=mc2) implies that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa, this lays the foundation for understanding the interconnectedness of matter and energy in the universe, so, it is conceivable that crystals have their own unique energies. Here are four main reasons for this:
Atomic Structure – due to the highly ordered arrangement of atoms, crystals can influence how they interact with electromagnetic fields. The atomic structure can affect electrical and thermal conductivity.
Resonance – crystals resonate at specific frequencies which is why they are used in quartz watches and oscillators for example. Linked to their atomic structure this also influences how the crystal conducts electricity.
Piezoelectricity – Quartz in particular, exhibits a piezoelectric charge when placed under mechanical pressure. This energy is applied in different ways for example microphones and pressure sensors.
Metaphysical Beliefs – So many cultures and civilisations have attributed crystals with healing, spiritual or energetic properties. Although a surge of interest in crystal healing came about in the 1980s many varied ancient civilisations have used them for thousands of years
Metaphysical Use of Crystals
Rudolf Steiner was a spiritual philosopher in the early 20th Century and in many ways the founder of the new age. He viewed crystals as significant in understanding the spiritual and energetic aspects of the natural world. Steiner connected crystals to the development of human spirituality and the evolution of consciousness.
The famous psychologist Carl Jung also acknowledged the potential of crystals through symbolism, tools for self exploration and psychological insight. He considered that crystals could hold personal significance for individuals which could reflect their inner states.
Both Steiner and Jung believed that the potential of crystals extended to far beyond their physical properties and explored the capacity for crystals to work symbolically, psychologically and spiritually. Certainly I work with crystals in this way, as I am sure, so do many other crystal healers.
Everyday Uses of Crystals
Nowadays as science and technology harness the energy of crystals, it is possible to grow crystals artificially for commercial use in a laboratory.
Crystals have various scientific and technological applications. They are used in space exploration and, when unaffected by the conditions found on earth, crystals in outer space can grow perfectly. Key elements which are different is a lack of gravitational forces can lead to different crystal growth patterns i.e. grow larger and more uniformly. In the cold vacuum of space crystals grow more slowly and can form different structures. In the space there are higher levels of radiation which may alter the atomic structure and lead to defects that change their properties. Crystals also are able to grow in more stable conditions in space so they are not so affected by environmental factors which can be found on Earth.
Crystals are used in electronics and optics, for example watches, computers, sonars, ultrasounds, and lasers all have crystals installed within them. Chemists, Physicists and Geologists study different aspect regarding the specific properties of crystals and of course jewellers who craft and design crystals because of their perceived beauty.
Humans have used crystals as talismans throughout the ages and there is still an enduring interest in the modern western world, despite some scepticism, in working with them as spiritual tools. Crystals healers believe they hold specific energies which, in order to work with them effectively, we should learn how to attune ourselves to. This can be done via meditation, carrying crystals around or wearing them, placing them on an alter but each activity should be done with pure intention and focus. Some people, me included, are “born’ crystal healers and experience a “calling” from particular crystals at certain times in their lives. This can range from suddenly experiencing an energy from the crystal – usually variously described as heat, cold, tingling, buzzing etc. Others when meditating feel an emotion or see visions. Others are not so fortunate, and many people have to learn how to work intuitively with crystals. The good news is that it is not difficult and can add another dimension to your everyday life, helping you to develop both spiritually and personally.
Their atomic structure is reminiscent of sacred geometry found in temples around the world which invites us again to consider the divinity, organisation, and inter-connection of everything. Many crystal healers acknowledge that the shape of the crystal – whether natural or man-made can enhance or empower the metaphysical properties of the crystal. They also sometimes arrange crystals in geometric patterns or placements for similar reasons.
As we enter the reputed Age of Aquarius never in the history of mankind has there been a better more appropriate time for us to harness the esoteric energies of crystals.
Crystals are widely available nowadays and many crystal healing techniques are simple and accessible to all – the key is to connect with them through meditation, intuition, and intention – I have had an amazing journey with crystals – maybe it’s time for you to as well?
Copyright Shirley O’Donoghue August 2024
Do Crystals Have A Consciousness
What is a Crystal?
A crystal is defined as follows: ‘a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.’ In chemistry, it is ‘any solid consisting of a symmetrical, ordered, three-dimensional aggregation of atoms or molecules. In electronics, it is ’a crystalline piece of semiconductor used as an oscillator or transducer.’
What is a Crystal?
A crystal is defined as follows: ‘a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.’ In chemistry, it is ‘any solid consisting of a symmetrical, ordered, three-dimensional aggregation of atoms or molecules. In electronics, it is ’a crystalline piece of semiconductor used as an oscillator or transducer.’
A definition of crystal used by Robert Simmons is “the regular form which a substance tends to assume in solidifying, through the inherent power of cohesive attraction. It is bounded by plane surfaces, symmetrically arranged, and each species of crystal has fixed axial ratios.” He uses this definition to detail the particularities of the crystalline world which could lead us to conclude that crystals are another type of living organism on earth. The power of cohesive attraction sounds like the organizing intelligence that governs so much in the universe, including our bodies. The idea of symmetrical arrangement invites the consideration of an organizing principle, bringing order and harmony to what could simply be chaos. Also, crystals have species, exactly like living organisms do. These are all interesting properties that connect crystals to the world of the living, however, crystals are not considered alive by scientific standards.
Do Crystals Grow?
Crystals do share, just like living organisms, the ability to grow. The atomic structure of a crystal follows a particular growth pattern which requires specific pressure and chemical composition in the environment to evolve. This is a little bit like a plant seed which needs specific requirements to germinate, except in the case of the seed the parameters are water, heat, and perhaps the adequate soil. Crystals need pressure, heat, chemical elements, and enough space to crystallize in it’s intended form.
Spirit quartz, which is a type of quartz that has undergone different crystallization processes triggered by geological happenings like earthquakes, offers us a good example of the crystallization process. To learn more about it, click here.
Grow Your Own Crystals
You can very easily ‘grow’ crystals, just like you grow a plant from seed. Crystals grow over time following very specific combinations of atoms or molecules, and simple experiments can showcase the process of crystallization. If you are interested in growing your own crystals, you do not need to buy a crystal growing kit from the store, although those can be very fun, particularly for children to discover the wonders of different crystallization types. You can do a very simple experiment at home to grow your own sugar crystals.
Growing your own crystals may be a beautiful way of initiating yourself or a loved one to the question ‘are crystals alive’?
Crystals and Science
Western science generally posits that we do not have evidence that a crystal is alive. However, more and more people are coming out stating it is important to consider that everything in our universe is alive, one way or another. Some geologists such as Arnold Rheshar and Pierre Escollet do believe stones showcase vital activity that is much slower than other organisms on earth.
This brings us to consider that science follows a very rigorous framework and can only answer what is contained within the parameters it fully understands. Most of the world and inter-connection of our universe remains outside the realm of science. For example, did you know what although we know what magnetism is, we cannot explain it? In a similar way, we know what crystals are, but we cannot fully explain them.
Uses of Crystals
Crystals are used in scientific settings, as well as technological settings. Did you know that scientists aboard our space station orbiting around earth grow crystals that are used in scientific research? Unaffected by the conditions found on earth, crystals in outer space can grow perfectly and be used in all sorts of types of experiments, including pharmaceutical research. Crystals and crystalline elements are used in technology, like watches, computers, or even sonars, ultrasounds or even lasers.
Crystals and Consciousness
Nicola Tesla, the famous scientist and researcher, stated “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” His pioneering research focused extensively on the importance of frequency and vibration, which are also alluded to in spiritual realms dealing with the evolution of consciousness.
What can be deduced from the facts listed above is that crystals have their own type of ‘aliveness’, and open us to different considerations of divine organization which are spiritual in nature. Science classifies things in order to understand them in a specific framework, which often overlooks the very essence of what makes us human, meaning, consciousness.
Humans have used crystals as talismans for ages, and there is a strong popularity in the modern western world to use them as spiritual tools. Crystals are seen as holding a very specific type of frequency, to which we can attune ourselves, in order to grow in self-awareness and be a better person.
Do Crystals Have Energy?
Based on the information above, do you believe crystals to be alive? Personally, I think the idea is very attractive. Crystals are not alive in the same way other organisms are, but share very interesting properties with life forms and life principles. Just as science has proven that everything is energy, one way or another, we can affirm that crystals do have their own unique energies, although we are not necessarily able to measure it with today’s instruments.
The fact their atomic structure is so beautifully reminiscent of sacred geometry found in temples around the world invites us to consider the divine organization and inter-connection of all things, and I find is a beautiful indicator that it is not wrong to associate these beautiful objects to spiritual growth and human evolution. From this point of view, I believe it is helpful for individuals to align themselves with their intentions to be a better person, and use crystals and gemstones as spiritual tools.
I invite everyone to consider the use of crystals and talismans as spiritual tools. You can browse the pocket stone section of the website and see what you are naturally drawn to. See if the properties associated with the gemstones that catch your attention are associated with growth and self-awareness principles that you currently wish to embody more!
Copyright Lucis College 2023
Psychic Hygiene
Maintaining good psychic hygiene is a great way to ensure that your energy field is working as effectively as possible as this will obviously impact on your overall wellbeing.
We can pick up toxic energy from so many sources now than ever before. Here are some that you may be aware of but perhaps others that you aren’t:
· Electromagnetic frequencies – computers, microwave, radar, mobile phones etc
· Toxicity from internet sites such as Google, Twitter, You Tube etc as well as MSM
· Surrounded by negative people
· Questionable earth energies or rooms/houses where there has been negative relationships etc
· Toxic self beliefs or negative thinking – especially during negative times
Maintaining good psychic hygiene is a great way to ensure that your energy field is working as effectively as possible as this will obviously impact on your overall wellbeing.
We can pick up toxic energy from so many sources now than ever before. Here are some that you may be aware of but perhaps others that you aren’t:
· Electromagnetic frequencies – computers, microwave, radar, mobile phones etc
· Toxicity from internet sites such as Google, Twitter, You Tube etc as well as MSM
· Surrounded by negative people
· Questionable earth energies or rooms/houses where there has been negative relationships etc
· Toxic self beliefs or negative thinking – especially during negative times
Stagnant energies in your subtle energy system can crystallise into dis-ease which can manifest as emotional, physical or spiritual blockages so it makes sense to cleanse and re-energise when you can. Here are some ideas to inspire you to carry out an energetic detox. Spring is a good time to focus on this as it helps to clear out the “heavier” winter energies and invite new energy to come in.
1. Juice fast, parasite cleanse (Dr Hulda Clarke), heavy metals – see -heavy-metals/) as well as cutting down on time in front of phones, ipads, computers etc.
2. Mushrooms and certain plants can help your body adapt to stress, these are known as adaptogens. You can buy them in capsule and supplement form to take or use food/drinks that contain them (see -to-adaptogens). Well known adaptogens from nature are Sacred Basil, Nettle, Hawthorn and Ashwagandha.
3. Boost your immune system with teas such as nettle and dandelion.
Energy Clearing
1. Regular healing treatments such as Reiki as well as activities such as Yoga, Chi Gong, Tai Chi etc.
2. Epsom or sea salt baths – a good handful or two of either in a bath. You can also add some essential oils or plants such as rosemary to the bath. Swimming in the sea is a great natural energy clearing activity.
3. Smudging rooms and auras are great ways of clearing stagnant/old energy old and bringing in new energy. Generally Sage sticks tend to clear out stagnant energy and Palo Santo brings in fresh uplifting energy to the aura or a room/home. You can also use a combination of essential oils and Bach Flower remedies or incense and crystals placed strategically in a room with intention such as clear quartz or rose quartz.
4. Music is a great energy uplifter. You can simply play music in your room that uplifts you or select some solfeggio frequency music from Spotify or You Tube that is generating the frequency you require.
5. Wearing or carrying crystals which will help to protect (Black Toumaline, Carnelian) or Cleanse (Clear Quartz, Amethyst) can help. You can also sleep with crystals to carry on the clearing when you go to bed.
6. Ensure you stay grounded as much as possible when not carrying out your spiritual practices. Walk on the ground, preferably in nature, when you can. You can also use visualisation such as placing yourself in a bubble of light.
7. Add a handful of salt into the washing machine to cleanse clothes that you feel have been in negative environments too.
8. Turn wifi off at night if possible and reduce the amount of time you have it on in your house. Use crystals such as Shungite which are reputed to modulate EMPs as well as Tourmaline for grounding and protecting.
9. Artemisia plants (sometimes called Wormwood, Mugwort and Sagebrush) are great to have near your home to prevent anything toxic from entering. Place the plant with intention to invoke the spirit of the plant to work with you as you require for the good of all, harm of none but for the highest good.
Lucis College’s online shop sells a vast array of space clearing tools. Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice or further information at or see our website
Copyright Shirley O’Donoghue April 2023